Congratulations, Bro. Dave Ceasar F. Dela Cruz, for winning the 2013 Jaime Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards Liturgy Category
for your book "MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD"! Accepting the award for Bro.
Dave was Fr. Dennis G., Tamayo, CMF, Executive Director of Claretian
Communications Foundation, Inc.
In "MORE PRECIOUS THAN GOLD", Bro. Dave presents
his research on the Saints and their relics. This handbook of information is
suited for Catholics and non-Catholics of all ages. It explains the Communion
of Saints, what is a Saint, what are relics, what is the process of
canonization, as well as liturgical celebrations and devotions. Utilizing
Sacred Scriptures, ancient and modern Traditions, Church Teachings and the
Liturgy, he offers remarkable answers in the field of Hagiography, the study of
Grab a copy of this award-winning book at the Claretian
Bookstore at 8 Mayumi St., U.P. Village, Diliman, QC. It is also available at
religious stores (St. Paul’s) and National Bookstore and Powerbooks Branches
nationwide. Please call (02)924-6835 (Bookstore) or (02)921-3984 (for bulk