Dave Ceasar Francisco Dela Cruz is a professional licensed teacher and currently the vice postulator for the Cause for Canonization of Blessed Ivan Merz. He graduated from Santa Catalina College in Manila with the degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education major in Religious Education and from the Paul VI Institute of Liturgy in Bukidnon with a certificate of competency in pastoral liturgy (with recognition from San't Anselmo, Rome). He studied philosophy at St. Vincent School of Theology (Adamson University) and finished his graduate studies in liturgy at San Beda College in Manila. He, too, has some units in Political Science from San Sebastian College-Recoletos in Manila. Currently, an M.A. in Theology candidate. He worked as faculty member and campus minister of different Catholic schools within Quezon City, and served as one of the liturgists and masters of ceremonies of a diocese and for parishes here and abroad. He is the author of “More Precious Than Gold” (A Catechesis on the Veneration of the Saints and Their Relics) that won the 2013 Jaime Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Award – Best Book in Liturgy and the 2016 Gospel Reflection half-year sharer for the Pandesal and PANg Araw-araw, which was also translated in Cebuano – the “Pan Sa Kinabuhi” of the Claretian Publications.