Thursday, August 29, 2013

Message of Thanksgiving

Gratias tibi, Deus, gratias tibi! 

My heart overwhelms with joy when I was informed that the book I wrote "More Precious Than Gold" won the 2013 Jaime Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Award - Liturgy category. As a first time author, and a young one too, the said award is, for me, a manifestation of God's unending love. At the same time, it affirms that what I wrote is recognized by people in authority as a good reference in liturgy and hagiography. This award is a gift from God and a gift for his people.

My apologies goes to the organizers and most especially to the Cardinal-Archbishop of Manila for not being able to attend the awarding ceremony held on August 28, 2013. I was still recovering from my sickness. During that day, and even at the hours of the event, one of my brother-seminarian was brought to the hospital due to serious illness. Honestly, I was on the middle of the bridge whether to go to the event or to be with my brother-seminarian. It was a tough discernment and decision making. I chose to be with my brother-seminarian. He needs me as his older brother and I need hospital care too. My apologies for those who expected my presence. Your kind consideration will surely be appreciated by yours truly.

My deepest gratitude goes to the following people:

- To the late Fr. Anscar Chupungco, OSB, for his unending encouragement he gave me to write the book. I am very sad because he wasn't able to wait for its publication.
- To Br. Jess Matias, OFS, for his patience and love in editing my manuscript. You are truly a father, friend, and inspiration!
- To the priests who encouraged me to follow my dream and the call of Our Lord especially in catechizing the people about the Saints and their relics. Special mention goes to Fr. Aris Sison, Fr. Tim Ofasio, SJ, and Fr. Joel Buenviaje.
- To the Claretian Publications for the trust they gave me and for their unending support to promote and market the book. Thank you Fr. Dennis, Fr. Ed, Ate Madz, Kuya Bob, and all my Claretian Family!
- To the organizers of the Jaime Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards, thank you! Thank you for the time screening More Precious Than Gold. Thank you for allowing yourselves to be inspired by the Holy Spirit to choose this book as this year's winner.

Most of all, I would like to thank the buyers, readers, promoters, and supporters of my book. We won! Let us now achieve to win the gift of holiness inspired by the Saints. Believe that we can be Saints! Thank you and please spread the book “More Precious Than Gold” throughout the world!

Gratias tibi, Deus, gratias tibi!